Congressman Crenshaw Sends Letter to U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Urging Release of Instructions for Post-Harvey Disaster Relief Funds

WASHINGTON, D.C. – On Friday, Congressman Dan Crenshaw sent the attached letter to U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Secretary Ben Carson. The letter urges the Department to end the delay in publishing vital instructions on how Texas is able to use federal disaster relief funding. This will help Houstonians both recover from Harvey and better prepare for future storms.

“On behalf of my constituents, I ask you to swiftly approve the publication of this notice so my district may continue the recovery process and prepare for inevitable future storms,” Congressman Dan Crenshaw wrote in the letter. “Almost a year and a half later, Hurricane Harvey is long in the rearview of many Americans. However, for many of my constituents, there are daily reminders that the road to recovery is far from over.”

Click here to see the letter in its entirety.




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