Crenshaw Votes Against Ending National Emergency To Address Crisis at the Border 

WASHINGTON, DC – Congressman Dan Crenshaw released the following statement regarding his vote against terminating the President’s national emergency declaration:

“This vote was fundamentally about the question of whether or not the crisis on the border constitutes an emergency,” said Crenshaw. “The answer is yes, it does. It was also about the constitutional duty the President has to enforce the laws that this body created, including USC 1325, which makes it illegal to cross our southern border without documentation. Our Constitution requires the President to ‘take care that the laws be faithfully executed.’ While we must be wary of executive action taken to bypass Congress, and be wary of reprogramming appropriated funds, it is clear to me that in this situation the President has the right to enforce our laws. If Congress had done its job weeks ago, this wouldn’t be necessary.”


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