WASHINGTON, D.C. -- The House of Representatives today passed an amendment introduced by Congressman Dan Crenshaw (R-TX) to help improve water infrastructure for Tamina, Texas, as part of a larger water infrastructure package. 

Crenshaw's amendment would include unincorporated communities as an eligible entity for drinking water and wastewater assistance. Without Crenshaw's amendment, Tamina wouldn’t be able to receive any federal water funding as part of this new program.

Crenshaw's amendment was included in the INVEST in America Act, which passed the House today.

"Tamina is a historically black community, founded in 1871 and located right outside my district, which has lacked access to water for decades. We are talking access in the most basic of terms: access to wastewater treatment, drinking water, and reliable, consistent infrastructure that allows them to access clean water for things we all take for granted," Crenshaw said. "Unincorporated communities like Tamina would have been left behind, once again, as the original bill excluded unincorporated communities from funding. I'm glad the House passed my amendment to ensure communities like Tamina are able to access this aid."

As the Houston Chronicle reported, Tamina residents have long struggled with a lack of basic water infrastructure, denying them access to clean drinking water and proper waste water treatment.

The INVEST in America Act, as originally written, would have deprived unincorporated communities like Tamina the ability to access the funds included in this legislation.

Although the legislation was stated to especially target urban areas, there was no provision that allowed funds to flow to unincorporated communities. 

Crenshaw's amendment specifically allows for unincorporated communities to access the funds included in this legislation. The House unanimously approved Crenshaw's amendment to be added to the INVEST in America Act.


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