WASHINGTON, DC - Legislation led by Representative Dan Crenshaw (R-TX) to research the use of psychedelics to treat post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and traumatic brain injury (TBI) in active-duty servicemembers was signed into law as part of this year’s National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). Originally introduced as H.R. 3684, this provision is focused on ending the suicide epidemic plaguing our active-duty and veteran populations. 

“I’ve led this two years in a row in the House, and now finally got it into the final bill with the Senate,” said Crenshaw. “I’m thrilled. This will save lives and potentially revolutionize the way we treat all types of PTSD.”

“The inclusion of psychedelic research in the NDAA marks a pivotal turn in our journey to revolutionize mental health care for our military,” said Amber Capone, CEO and co-founder of Veterans Exploring Treatment Solutions (VETS). “The unwavering support and dedication of our community, combined with the collaborative efforts of policymakers like Rep. Crenshaw, have been instrumental in achieving this milestone. This is more than a legislative success; it's a beacon of hope, promising innovative and effective treatments for those who have selflessly served our nation.”

“This legislation is a historic accomplishment for our Country, our servicemembers, and for science. This achievement, coupled with the recent actions of the VA, have shown psychedelic-assisted therapies are moving from theoretical ideas to tangible therapeutic treatments,” said former Congresswoman Mimi Walters, chair of the patient advocacy group, Apollo Pact. “This will give our active-duty service men and women more options to heal. I commend Reps. Crenshaw & Luttrell on their leadership to bring innovative solutions to the forefront.” 


Retired U.S. Navy SEAL Representative Morgan Luttrell co-led the legislation and offered it as an amendment to this year’s NDAA. Under Crenshaw’s bill, the Secretary of Defense is directed to establish a clinical trial grant program for the use of psychedelic substances to treat PTSD and TBI in active-duty servicemembers.

A recent FDA Phase 3 Trial of MDMA-Assisted Therapy for PTSD found that 71% of participants who received three MDMA-assisted therapy sessions no longer qualified for a PTSD diagnosis and 86% experienced a clinically meaningful reduction in symptoms, underscoring the significant impact psychedelic treatment can have on those suffering from trauma-related disorders.

The bill has a broad, bipartisan coalition of co-sponsors: Reps. Luttrell, Bergman, Van Orden, Zinke, Gaetz, Ocasio-Cortez, Laurel Lee, Mace, Correa, Moskowitz, Khanna, Blumenauer, Trone, and Bill Johnson. 

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