Today, Rep. Dan Crenshaw will introduce a resolution condemning the President of Mexico’s threats to meddle in U.S. elections, and calling on the State Department to monitor the Mexican government’s activities that may interfere in local, state, or national elections.

Last month, President Lopez Obrador threatened to campaign against Republicans who voiced support for the use of military force against the Mexican drug cartels, including Rep. Crenshaw who proposed an AUMF.

"Instead of fighting the Mexican drug cartels that are killing Mexicans and Americans, President AMLO is fighting people like me who actually want to stop these murderous thugs,” said Rep. Dan Crenshaw. “AMLO and his cronies have attacked me personally, victim-blamed Americans killed by fentanyl, and vowed to interfere in American elections to stop legislation that would target his cartel donors. Attempts to intimidate American voters or intervene in our democratic process will not be tolerated. Republican leadership should bring this important resolution to the House floor immediately for a vote. Every Member of Congress should support this resolution to show a united front against AMLO’s reckless rhetoric and his failure to stop cartels in his country from mass murdering Americans with fentanyl.” 

Rep. Crenshaw calls on House Republican leadership to bring this resolution to the floor for an immediate vote.

Read the full resolution here.

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