Reps. Dan Crenshaw and August Pfluger recently introduced a bill that would ensure that companies have a timely approval process for buidling Class VI wells – wells which are used to store captured carbon.

As demand for more “Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS)” projects ramp up like they have in Houston, the need for expanded permitting capacity by federal and state authorities will need to increase. Therefore, EPA should delegate that authority to the states and their regulatory bodies. The EPA reports that it has received more than 50 inquiries regarding Class VI well permits.

“Giving states like Texas the authority to regulate Class VI wells will cut down on lengthy review times and redundant bureaucratic red tape," said Rep. Dan Crenshaw. "Class VI wells, used to store captured carbon, are a net benefit to the economy and the environment – a win for everyone. I’m proud to lead this legislation with Congressman Pfluger to ensure companies have a timely approval process for building out these wells, and to help states act quickly to review these vital projects.” 

 “No one knows how to produce energy better or more efficiently than Texans," said Rep. August Pfluger. "I’m proud to introduce a simple bill with my fellow Texan Dan Crenshaw that ends the EPA’s practice of slow-walking Class VI well permits and puts the power back in the hands of state regulators who know their geology best.” 

Read the full bill here.

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