As the country continues to see a rise in so-called "gender-affirming care" procedures on minors, Rep. Dan Crenshaw penned an op-ed for Newsweek highlighting the serious dangers and lack of evidence of this social contagion.

"The fact there is even an argument over whether we should permanently mutilate children is evidence of just how far off the rails our political discourse has become," he wrote. "We are marching our children down a path from which they cannot return. Science and common sense tell us these procedures are permanent, dangerous, and wrong. We must refuse to participate in this madness for the sake of our kids."

Rep. Crenshaw's bill to prohibit graduate medical education funding to children's hospitals that perform these pseudoscience procedures on minors recently passed out of the full Energy & Commerce Committee. The Children’s Hospital GME Support Reauthorization Act is a bill that must be reauthorized every 5 years. The bill provides funds to train pediatric medical residents at 59 hospitals nationwide.