Catching Up With Crenshaw

November 17, 2019

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Dan Creshaw U.S. Congressman for the 2nd District of Texas
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Congressman Crenshaw here, checking in after another crazy week that was dominated by one thing: Democrats' partisan mission to impeach the president.

Despite the noise, I remain focused on getting things done for TX-02. With the end of the year quickly approaching, I hope House Democrats reevaluate their priorities so we can do things that actually benefit the American people - like passing USMCA and an infrastructure package. 

As a reminder to TX-02 residents, please reach out to my offices if you have a concern, want to hear what we’re working on in Congress, or are having trouble with a federal agency.

Be sure to stay up to date by following me on TwitterFacebook, and YouTube. For a behind-the-scenes look, follow my staff's official Instagram account.

democrats only priority: impeachment

An infrastructure package, a budget deal, passing USMCA, lowering healthcare costs and securing our border – what do these things have in common? They are all important legislative priorities that are not getting done because of House Democrat’s impeachment obsession.

getting it done for tx-02

The U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) recently awarded Houston with a $25 million grant for infrastructure updates, which I urged the department to do in a letter I sent in July. This money will be put to good use funding the Memorial Heights Redevelopment Authority’s Shepherd and Durham Major Investment Project, which will improve two major roadways and the surrounding streets in Houston. The project will also add bike lanes and sidewalks and upgrade storm water management infrastructure.

This $25 million will help ensure that Houston infrastructure is able to withstand and maintain Houston’s growing population. I’m grateful to work with the Redevelopment Authority Board Chair to see this through for our community. Thank you to DOT for recognizing the need for improved infrastructure in Houston.

leading bipartisan effort to protect the first amendment

Turkey has been a horrible broker and not much of an ally, especially lately.

This week, I led a delegation of 40 members of the House of Representatives in sending two letters, one to the U.S. Department of State and one to the Metro Police Department of the District of Columbia, in an effort to ensure the safety of Americans protesting Turkish President Erdogan’s visit to Washington, D.C this past Wednesday. I sent these letters because during Erdogan’s last visit to our nation’s capital in 2017, Americans protesting him were attacked by Turkish security officials. Eleven protesters were injured and 9 were sent to the hospital. 

Preserving the First Amendment is one of the fundamental principles America is built on. No foreign leader has the right the violate that principle.

an update on flood recovery and mitigation
As a reminder, if you're struggling to recover from this year's flooding, the deadline to register for FEMA individual assistance is December 3, 2019.

If you are a resident of Harris, Montgomery, Jefferson, Liberty, Chambers, Orange or San Jacinto county who was affected by this year's severe storms and flooding, I encourage you to file a claim with your insurance provider. Once you file with your provider, the next step is to register for disaster assistance with FEMA.

While FEMA aid may not be able to help you recover completely, it may help move your recovery process forward by providing grants for basic repairs and/or temporary housing.

If you have filed with FEMA, be sure to keep your address and contact information up to date so FEMA knows how to stay in touch with you regarding your claim.

The State/Federal Disaster Recovery Center in Harris County is located at the below address. Should you need to talk to a representative regarding disaster recovery aid, the office is open Monday-Saturday from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Harris County Social Services Building
9418 Jensen Drive
Houston, TX 77093

If you have further questions regarding disaster recovery, please call one of my district offices.

Office Locations
Office Locations
413 Cannon HOB
Washington, DC 20515
Phone: (202) 225-6565
1849 Kingwood Dr
Suite 100
Kingwood, TX 77339
Phone: (713) 860-1330
9720 Cypresswood Drive
Suite 206
Houston, Texas 77070
Phone: (281) 640-7720
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