WASHINGTON, DC - Two bills introduced by Representative Dan Crenshaw (R-TX) to boost research and development for carbon capture technology were signed into law as part of a year-end spending bill. The LEADING Act and the New Energy Frontier aim to advance carbon capture, a proven technology that helps reduce emissions while protecting American energy independence. 

"Americans are tired of being offered a false choice of inaction or economy-crushing regulations when it comes to climate change," said Crenshaw. “Texas is already leading the way in carbon capture and these bills allow this innovation to take off across the country, so we can market this technology to the world. These bills are grounded in the fundamental principle that innovation is our best tool to combat climate change while protecting American energy jobs and our economy."


Carbon capture uses technology to capture carbon from power plants, allowing cleaner energy production without increasing electricity costs for consumers. Texas companies have already put this technology to productive use.

The LEADING Act directs the Department of Energy (DOE) to establish a program to award competitive grants to certain entities for the capture of carbon dioxide produced during the generation of natural gas-generated power. Under Crenshaw's bill, the DOE must accelerate the development of commercially viable carbon capture technologies to reduce carbon dioxide emissions, enter into cooperative agreements with certain entities to construct and operate carbon capture facilities for natural gas plants, and identify any barriers to the commercial development of carbon capture technologies.

The New Energy Frontier takes this a step further by creating a first of its kind Carbon Innovation Center that will examine solutions to carbon utilization.

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